And lately, Prada Replica Handbags came up with an idea to mix these two elements together – minimalism + frame = the future. So introducing the Prada Replica Handbags for the Spring Summer 2018 Collection.
There are two things that are trending in high fashion right now. The first one is the Frame Bag. Almost all designer brands have created handbags with frames. The second one is minimalism, which has been trending for decades. Who doesn’t love minimal anyway? Simplicity is the best.
There are three words that can summarize the design of this Frame Bag: clean, streamlined and minimalistic. The bag is crafted in solid color for the timeless feel featuring a spacious shape. And it’s made from nappa lambskin, which is soft shiny soft leather.
Looking from the front, we can see the leather strap that comes from the top. The leather strap is a nice add-on so that it balanced with the minimalism. We can also see that the leather strap is connected to a buckle on the top.
So what’s hidden on the top. The buckle is connected to the frame. And the frame is a part of the internal compartment.
Overall, the frame creates an elegant feel, but it’s not exposed on the sides. For the outsider, the frame can only be seen when looking from the top, so it’s basically hidden.
When the internal frame Burberry Replica Handbags is opened, we can see the use of the exterior leather strap and the buckle. They’re connected. So inside the bag, there is one big main compartment including the frame clutch, which is added to store important essentials (much like a zip pocket).